The key output developed by IsArt, Liceo Artistico Arcangeli in Bologna, Italy, within the activities of the CrowdSchool project was mainly concerned with the development of two “virtual” exhibitions, presenting the work done its students.

In particular, the students have been involved in two annotation campaigns, the first – during the year 2021-2022 – concerned with the topic of “Arts and Food in the Centuries”, and the second – in year 2022-2023 – focusing on “Clothing and Garments in the Arts”.
One of the main novelties requested by the teachers of the school partners in CrowdSchool, with the objective to increase the educational potential of the CrowdHeritage tool, has been the introduction of a free text description of the pieces of art. This feature provides the students with the opportunity to enrich the description of each item not only with new metadata selected within the terminology lists associated to the annotation campaign, but also with a free text description that can let the students use their creative and critical skills to comment the pieces of arts.
This opportunity has been used by the young curators, attending the School of Art, to prepare two virtual exhibitions, accessible here:
This work was particularly successful, and provided also the teachers of IsArt with a very useful way to evaluate the activities done by their students with a qualitative tool, showing their linguistic and critical capacities and supporting the workgroup activities necessary to create an exhibition starting from the single contribution of each student.